

As a researcher I'm interested in the way the human brain and the human body create functional movements. Presently I'm working at The Institute of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen.

Applied projects deal with speedskating, the control of leg prostheses and cortical representations of the dynamics of the human body.

In Groningen in the Netherlands we use the CAREN system, a virtual reality environment for the study of movement control.

An athlete in the virtual reality environment

Frames from an animation, illustrating how humans start walking, using extra propulsion from hip muscles

A short part of an Arte program on movement control in elderly people

Simulation of a Speedskater

Simulation of Speedskater Straight and Curve

Amputee tested in Caren Lab

I wrote the simulations of human movements on an Apple Macintosh computers in an application called HbmTbx (Human body model toolbox).

The simulations are in 3D and can handle up to 19 rigid bodies and 160 muscles. The dynamics are calculated using automatically generated Lagrange equations of motion.


There is a close connection between the measurements in 3D of human body motion and the simulations. The dynamical calculations can be inverse or forward, depending on the purpose.


1. In september 1984 I received the C.J. Kok award from the associated faculties of sciences in the Netherlands for originality of my thesis entitled "Vision and Jaw Mechanism during Growth of the Cichlid Fish Haplochromis elegans".

2. In 1986 received an award from the Dutch Association of Histologists for the best poster entitled  "Reconstruction: a joining of forces" together with Mrs. IJkema-Paassen.

3. In 1991 I received an award in a dutch scientific  tv program for the software I wrote for optimal placement of bone plates in a broken human jaws.

4. In 1998 I received an award for a  poster entitled  “A new leg to stand on” on the Sixth European Congress on Research in Rehabilitation in Berlin together with  A. de Vos and W.J. van der Eerden (AMC).


1.  A mechanism was patented that allows footrolling motion in sport applications like speedskating, skiing and snowboarding. Patent classification: A63C 1/28. International Patent Publication Number: WO 96/37269. Co-inventor is D. Hol.

2.  A patent request for a mechanism of an improved trapeze above hospital beds is submitted. Co-inventor is  mrs. A. Huiberts.

A. elegans
A 3D reconstruction of the complex jaw mechanism
of a young Astatotilapia elegans


Refereed Papers

1. Otten, E., 1981. Vision during growth of a generalized Haplochromis species: H. elegans Trewavas 1933 (Pisces, Cichlidae). Neth. J. Zool. 31: 650-700.
2. Otten, E., 1982. The development of a mouth-openening mechanism in a generalized Haplochromis species: H. elegans Trewavas 1933 (Pisces, Cichlidae). Neth. J. Zool. 32:  31-48.
3. Otten, E., 1982. Vision in some percoid fishes: a study in functional morphology. In: Organismus und Anpassung. Mitteilungen Lochmühle Nr. 22: 81-88.
4. Skalak, R., Dasgupta, G., Moss, M., Otten E., Dullemeijer, P. and H. Vilmann, 1982. Analytical description of growth. J. Theor. Biol. 94: 555-577.
5. Otten, E., 1983. The jaw mechanism during growth of a generalized Haplochromis species: H. elegans Trewavas 1933 (Pisces, Cichlidae). Neth. J. Zool. 33: 44-98.
6. Otten E., 1984. Vision during growth of the cichlid fish Astatotilapia elegans. Nova Acta Leopoldina. NF 58, Nr. 262 p.5-9.
7. Otten, E., 1985. Proportions of the jaw mechanism of cichlid fishes. Changes and their meaning. Acta Biotheoretica 34:207-218.
8. Buning, Tj. de Cock & E. Otten, 1985. Some methodological remarks. Acta Biotheoretica 34: 277-288.
9. Otten, E., 1987. Optimal design of vertebrate and insect sarcomeres. J. Morph. 191: 49-62.
10. Otten, E., 1987. A myocybernetic model of the jaw system of the rat. J. Neuroscience Methods 21: 287-302.
11. E. Otten, J. van Leeuwen 1989. MacReco, a 3D reconstruction package from serial sections and images. European Journal of Cell Biology, Supplement 25 (Vol. 48)  pp. 73 - 77.
12. Otten, E., 1989. Mathematical and philosophical reflections on motor control systems. Acta Morphol. Scand. 26 (1988/89) pp. 163 - 179
13. Spauwen, P.H.M., B. Hillen, E. Lommen en E. Otten. 1991. Three-dimensional computer reconstruction of the eustachian tube and paratubal muscle. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial J., 28: 2: 217-219; 1991
14. Schaafsma, A., E. Otten en J.D. van Willigen. 1991 A muscle spindle model for primary afferent firing based on a simulation of intrafusal mechanical events.J. Neurophysiology, 65: 6: 1297-1312; 1991.
15. Dijkgraaf, L.C., de Bont L.G.M., Otten E., Stegenga, B. and G. Boering. Three-dimensional Visualisation of the Temporomandibular Joint. A Computerized Multisectional Autopsy Study in Disc Position and Configuration. J.Oral.Maxillofac.Surg. 1992 Jan; 50(1): 2-10
16. Rozema, F.R., E. Otten, R.R.M. Bos, G. Boering en J.D. Van Willigen. 1992. Computer aided optimization of choice and positioning of bone plates and screws used for internal fixation of mandibular fractures. Int.J.Oral.Maxillofac.Surg. 1992 Dec; 21(6): 373-7
17. Otten, E. and M. Hulliger. 1994. A finite elements approach to the study of functional architecture in skeletal muscle. Zoology: Analysis of Complex Systems (ZACS) 98(4): 233 - 242.
18. Otten, E,  Hulliger, M. and K.A. Scheepstra. A model study on the influence of a slowly activating potassium conductance on repetitive firing patterns of muscle spindle primary endings. J.Theor.Biol. 1995 Mar 7; 173(1): 67-78
19. Banks, R.W., Hulliger, M, Scheepstra, K.A. and E. Otten. 1996. Pacemaker activity in a sensory ending with multiple encoding sites: the cat muscle-spindle  primary ending. J. Physiol.498.1 : 177-199.
20. Tams, J, Loon, J.P. van, Rozema, F.R., Otten, E and R.R.M. Bos. 1996. A three-dimensional study of loads across the fracture for different fracture sites of the mandible. Br-J-Oral-Maxillofac-Surg.1996 Oct; 34(5): 400-5.
21. Willigen, J.D. van, Otten, E., Slager, G.E.C. and M.L. Broekhuijsen. 1997. Contribution of the digastric muscles to the control of bite force in man. Archives of Oral Biology. 42:1, 45 - 56.
22. Nagashima, T., Slager, G.E.C., Otten, E, Broekhuijsen, M and J.D. van Willigen. 1997. Impact velocities of the teeth after a sudden unloading at various initial bite forces, degrees of mouth opening and distances of travel. J-Dent-Res.1997 Nov; 76(11): 1751-9.
23. Tams, J, J.P. van Loon, E. Otten, F.R. Rozema and R.R.M. Bos. 1997. A three-dimensional study of bending and torsion moments for different fracture sites in the mandible: an in vitro study. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 26: 383 - 388.
24. Slager, G.E.C., Otten, E., van Eijden, T.M.G.J. and J.D. van Willigen. A mathematical model of the jaw system simulating static biting and movements after unloading. J. Neurophysiology. 1997 Dec; 78(6): 3222-33.
25. Slager, G.E.C., Otten, E., Nagashima T. and J.D. van Willigen. 1998 The riddle of the large loss in bite force after fast jaw-closing movements J. Dent. Research 77 (9): 1684-1693.
26. J.-P. van Loon, E. Otten, C.H. Falkenstrom, L.G.M. de Bont, G.J. Verkerke. 1998.  Loading of a unilateral temporomandibular joint prosthesis: a  three-dimensional mathematical study. Journal of Dental Research 77(11): 1939-1947,
27. Otten, E. 1999. Balancing on a narrow ridge: biomechanics and control. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. 354, 1- 8.
28. Van der Fits, I.B.M, Otten E, Klip A.W.J, Van Eykern L.A. and M. Hadders.1999. The development of postural adjustments during reaching in healthy infants aged 6 to 18 months: evidence for two transitions. Experimental Brain Research. 126 (4): 517-528.
29. Tams, J, Otten, E, Loon, J.P. van, Bos, R.R.M. 1999. A computer study of fracture mobility and strain on biodegradable plates used for fixation of mandibular fractures. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surf. 57: 973-981.
30. Tams, J, van Loon, J.P.; Otten, B.; Bos, R.R. 2001 A computer study of biodegradable plates for internal fixation of mandibular angle fractures. J-Oral-Maxillofac-Surg. Apr; 59(4): 404-7.
31. Otten, E. 2001, The motor system: the whole and its parts. Neural Plasticity, 8, 1-2, 111-119.
32. Otten, E. 2003. Inverse and forward dynamics: models of multi-body systems Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 1493 - 1500
33. Jolanda C. van der Heide, Bert Otten, Leo A. van Eykern and Mijna Hadders-Algra, 2003 Development of postural adjustments during reaching in sitting children. Exp Brain Res. 2003 Jul;151(1):32-45
34. de Groot IJ, Zohar OE, Haspels R, van Keeken H, Otten E. 2003. CAREN (computer assisted rehabilitation environment): a novel way to improve shoe efficacy. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2003 Aug;27(2):158-62

Accepted Papers

35. Santen, G. J. van, E. Otten and J.M.K.H. Wierda. The effect of maintaining a constant preload or a constant degree of thumb abduction on the isometric twitch force of the thumb. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing.

Submitted Papers

36. E. Otten and A. de Vos. The control of the direction of walking. Gait & Posture.
37. Slager, G.E.C., Otten, E., Nagashima T. and J.D. van Willigen. Human bite force responses after fast and slow jaw-closing movements. Submitted J. Dent. Research May. 1998.
38. Koerhuis, C.L. E. Otten, H.T. Corbière and A.L. Hof. Functioning of healthy subjects on a linear, isokinetic, poly-articular dynamometer. Submitted to the J. Applied Biomechanics.

Book Contributions

39. Otten, E., 1985. Morphometrics and Force-Length Relations of Skeletal Muscles. In: International Series on Biomechanics (ISB) Biomechanics IX-A. Winter et al. (eds.).  Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, USA. pp. 27-32.
40. Otten, E., 1988. Concepts and models of functional architecture in skeletal muscle. In: Kent B. Pandolf, Ph.D. (Editor), Exercise and Sport Science Reviews, Vol 16, pp 89 -139 MacMillan, New York,1988.
41. Otten, E., 1991  Modelling movement control. In: Jacobs R. & Rikkert W.E.I. eds.: Movement Control pp. 69-84 VU University Press, Amsterdam 1991.
42. Hulliger, M., E. Otten, E. Wang & T. Munther, 1991 On the nature of the D-induced slow decay of cat spindle Ia firing following stretch. Proceedings of the Laporte Symposium on Muscle afferents and Motor Control, Paris 1991. 1993 pp. 63 - 69.
43. Slager, G.E.C.  Otten, E., Willigen, J.D. van and M.L. Broekhuijsen. 1995. Contribution of mechanical properties of jaw muscles to the control of unexpected jaw-closing movements. In: Brain and oral functions. Morimoto, T. et al. (eds). Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp 369 - 375.
44. Willigen, J.D. van, Slager, G.E.C., Broekhuijsen, M.L. and E. Otten. 1995. Digastric muscle responses as function of the task to be performed. In: Brain and oral functions. Morimoto, T. et al. (eds). Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp 205 - 217.
45. Otten, E., Scheepstra, K.A. and M. Hulliger. 1995. An integrated model of the mammalian muscle spindle. In “Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems”, A.Taylor and M.Gladden (eds.) pp. 294 - 302
46. Banks, R.W., Hulliger, M, Scheepstra, K.A. and E. Otten. 1995. Pacemaker competition and the role of the preterminal-branch tree architecture: a combined morphological, physiological and modelling study. In “Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems”, A.Taylor and M.Gladden (eds.) pp. 255 - 260.
47. Hulliger, M, Sjölander, P., Windhorst, U.R. and E. Otten. 1995. Force coding by ensembles of Golgi tendon organ afferents: effects of motor activation patterns. In “Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems”, A.Taylor and M.Gladden (eds.) pp. 302 -  309
48. Sjölander, P.I.B., Hulliger, M., Windhorst, U.R. and E. Otten. 1995. Nonlinear summation in GTO responses: implications for receptor mechanisms. In “Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems”, A.Taylor and M.Gladden (eds.) pp. 319 - 321.
49. Scheepstra, K.A., Otten, E., Hulliger, M. and R.W. Banks. 1995. Modelling of chaotic and regular Ia discharge during fusimotor stimulation. In “Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems”, A.Taylor and M.Gladden (eds.) pp. 325 - 327.
50. Otten, E., Hulliger, M and P.I.B. Sjölander. 1995. Towards a mathematical model of the Golgi tendon organ. In “Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems”, A.Taylor and M.Gladden (eds.) p. 322 - 324.
51. Eerden, W.J. van, E. Otten, G. May and O. Even-Zohar. 1999. CAREN – Computer assisted rehabilitation Environment. In: Medicine meets virtual reality; the convergence of physical & informational technologies: options for a new era in healthcare. J.D. Westwood, H.M. Hoffmann, R.A. Robb and D. Stredney (eds). IOS Press, Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington DC. P. 373 – 379.
52. Otten, E., 2000. DataMonster, a software package running on an Apple Macintosh computerfor signal analysis and modelling for research in motor control. ed. Jack Winters, Springer Verlag.
53. Foweraker, J.P.A., D.P. Bashor, M. Hulliger and E. Otten.1999. Branch tree models of muscle sensory receptors. In: Mathematical Models in Medical and Health Sciences. M.A. Horn, G. Simonett and G. Webb (eds.). Vanderbilt University Press. ISBN 0-8265-1310-7.
54. Otten, E. 2001. Phylogenetic timescale: the evolution of human balance. In: Balance at all times, Burg J.C.E. van der, et al. (eds). DPP Utrecht p 15-28. ISBN 90-9015287-3
55. Otten, E., H.J. de Poel and A.L. Hof. 2001. Stepping away from stance. Horizontal force profiles and their origin. In “Control of Posture and Gait”.  ISPG. ISBN 90-76986-02-9. Duysens, J et al (eds). p 307 –310
56. A.L. Hof, J. Pijlman and E. Otten. 2001. Control of lateral balance in walking. Simulations and experiments on an instrumented treadmill. In “Control of Posture and Gait”.  ISPG. ISBN 90-76986-02-9. Duysens, J et al (eds). p 853 –857
57. J. Pijlman,  A.L. Hof, and E. Otten. 2001. Balanced walking. The inverted pendulum model as tool for computing centre-of-mass position form centre-of-pressure. In “Control of Posture and Gait”.  ISPG. ISBN 90-76986-02-9. Duysens, J et al (eds). p 871 –875

Unrefereed Papers

58. Otten, E. 1997. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 1. Speedskating World 3:1: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)
59. Otten, E. 1997. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 2. Speedskating World 3:2: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)
60. Otten, E. 1997. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 3. Speedskating World 3:3: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)
61. Otten, E. 1997. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 4. Speedskating World 3:4: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)
62. Otten, E. 1997. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 5. Speedskating World 3:5: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)
63. Otten, E. 1997. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 6. Speedskating World 3:6: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)
64. Otten, E. 1998. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 7. Speedskating World 4:1: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)
65. Otten, E. 1998. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 8. Speedskating World 4:2: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)
66. Otten, E. 1998. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 9. Speedskating World 4:3: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)
67. Otten, E. 1998. Biomechanics and neurophysiology of speedskating Part 10. Speedskating World 4:4: 14-16 (ISSN 1384 - 2927)


1. Otten, E. & L. Poliacu Pros, 1983. Measurements and models of muscle architecture and length-force relations. J. Anat. 137, 2: 405.
2. Otten, E. 1985. Optimal design of vertebrate and insect sarcomeres. Abstr. The Society of Oral Physiology, Gent, May 9-12 1985. J. oral Rehabil. 12 (1985) 531-532.
3. Otten, E. 1986. A myocybernetic model of the jaw system of the rat. Abstract I.A.D.R. Satellite Symposium “Oral Neurobiology in the Low Countries”. The Hague, 24-25 June 1986.
4. Otten, E., J. IJkema-Paassen and J.D. van Willigen, 1986. A computer reconstruction technique for biomechanical analyses of jaw mechanisms. J. Dent. Res. 65: 846.
5. Otten, E. How do control signals result in movements and forces. Abstr. Engineering Foundation. Henniker, July 19-23, 1987.
6. Otten, E., 1988  Muscle properties and the control of movements of the jaw system. Abstr. The Society of Oral Physiology, Imatra, June11-14,  J. oral Rehabil. 15 (1988) 207.
7. Poliacu, L. and E. Otten. 1988. The architecture and the length-force relations of skeletal muscles. (abstract) Acta Morphologica Scandinavica.
8. Schaafsma, A., Otten, E, van Willigen, J.D. A model for muscle spindle primary firing: 1. linear mechanics and stiction. (abstract) Proc. IUPS, 1989, Helsinki.
9. Otten, E., Schaafsma, A., van Willigen, J.D. A model for muscle spindle primary firing: 2. non-linear mechanics, stiction and sensory hysteresis. (abstract) Proc. IUPS, 1989, Helsinki.
10. Spauwen, P.H.M., Hillen, B., Lommen, E. and  E. Otten., 1989 3-D Reconstruction of the Eustachian Tube. Proc. of the 6th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies. Jeruzalem, Israel, June 18-22.
11. E. Otten, Neural network studies of chewing. Abstract The Society of Oral Physiology (former Store Kro Club), Oslo, 25 - 28 May 1989. J. Oral Rehabil. 17 (1990) 201.
12. E. Otten, A. Schaafsma and J.D. van Willigen. A computer model simulating motor control of the human lower arm. Abstr. ENA Satellite Symposium, Spoleto, Italy, 14-16 September 1990.
13. E. Otten. Neural networks and pattern generators. Proc. of the 31th Dutch Federation Meeting Leiden 18-19 april 1990, pp. 181.
14. E. Otten. 1990. Van stuursignalen tot bewegingen en krachten: modellen van het bewegingsapparaat. (Abstract Den Haag, 100 jaar fysiotherapie)
15. E. Otten, G. Boering, L.C. Dijkgraaf, L. G.M. de Bont. 1990. Three dimensional computer reconstruction of 20 cadaver TMJ’s to study disc position and -configuration. Abstract 25th Anniversary SFOMK Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-19 August, 1990
16. Hulliger, M., E. Otten, E. Wang & T. Munther. 1993. On the nature of the D-induced slow decay of cat spindle Ia firing following stretch. Proceedings of the Laporte Symposium on Muscle afferents and Motor Control, Paris 1991. 1993 pp. 63 - 69.
17. Stegenga, B., L. Dijkgraaf, L.G.M. de Bont, E. Otten en G. Boering. 1991. Three-dimensional visualization of the position and configuration of the temporomandibular joint articular disc. A computerized multisectional autopsy study.
18. The Society of Oral Physiology (former Store Kro Club), Bonn, 23rd - 26th May 1991.
19. Slager, G.E. and E. Otten. 1993. Efficient speed skating. Presentation of a computer model.
20. Proceedings of the Young Physiologist Meeting 1993. European Journal of Physiology, Pflügers Arch 1993, 424: R1-R10
21. Sjölander, P, M. Hulliger, Y. Coiton, U.R. Windhorst and E. Otten. 1993. Possible receptor mechanisms responsible for the gain compression of Golgi tendon organ response to force. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, 1993. abstract 405.4
22. Hulliger, M, Y. Coiton, P. Sjölander, U.R. Windorst, E. Otten and T.E. Feasby. 1993. Force coding by a population of cat Golgi tendon organ afferents: the role of muscle activation patterns. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, 1993. abstract 405.5
23. E. Otten, M .Hulliger and K.A. Scheepstra. 1993. Dynamics of muscle spindle primary endings: mechanics and ioncis. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, 1993. abstract 405.6.
24. Slager, G.E.C. and E. Otten. Efficient speed skating. Presentation of a computermodel. Cogress basic and applied exercise physiology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1993.
25. Otten, E. and G.E.C. Slager.1994.  A mathematical model of speedskating. Symposium of the Society of Experimental Biology. Swansea, 1994.
26. Otten, E. and F.R. Rozema. 1994. Computer optimization of the position and shape of boneplates accross the fracture in a broken human lower jaw. Symposium of the Society of Experimental Biology. Swansea, 1994.
27. Banks, R.W., Hulliger, M, Scheepstra, K.A. and E. Otten. 1994. Pacemaker competition and the role of the preterminal-branch tree architecture: a combined morphological, physiological and modelling study. Symposium on Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems, London, 1994.
28. Otten, E., Scheepstra, K.A. and M. Hulliger.1994.  An integrated model of the mammalian muscle spindle. Symposium on Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems, London, 1994.
29. Hulliger, M, Sjölander, P., Windhorst, U.R. and E. Otten. 1994.   Force coding by ensembles of Golgi tendon organ afferents: effects of motor activation patterns. Symposium on Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems, London, 1994.
30. Sjölander, P.I.B., Hulliger, M., Windhorst, U.R. and E. Otten. 1994.   Saturation of GTO response upon activation of multiple motor units: implications for receptor mechanisms. Symposium on Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems, London, 1994.
31. Scheepstra, K.A., Otten, E., Hulliger, M. and R.W. Banks. 1994.   Modelling of chaotic and regular Ia discharge during fusimotor stimulation.Symposium on Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems, London, 1994.
32. Otten, E., Hulliger, M and P.I.B. Sjölander. 1994.  Towards a mathematical model of the Golgi tendon organ. Symposium on Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems, London, 1994.
33. Otten, E. 1994.  Models of functional muscle architecture. J. Morphology, Vol. 220, nr. 3, p.378 - 379. 1994
34. Slager, G.E.C.  Otten, E., Willigen, J.D. van and M.L. Broekhuijsen.1994.  Contribution of mechanical properties of jaw muscles to the control of unexpected jaw-closing movements. Symposium on Oral Motor Control, Osaka Japan, 1994.
35. Willigen, J.D. van, Slager, G.E.C., Broekhuijsen, M.L. and E. Otten.1994.  Digastric muscle responses as function of the task to be performed. Symposium on Oral Motor Control, Osaka Japan, 1994.
36. Otten, E. 1998. Balancing on a narrow ridge: biomechanics and control. Society of Experimental Biology, York.
37. Eerden, W.J. van der, E. Otten and A. de Vos. A new leg to stand on. Sixth European Congress on Research in Rehabilitation, Berlin, 1998.
38. Eerden, W.J. van der, E. Otten, G. May and O. Even-Zohar. CAREN – Computer assisted rehabilitation Environment. Medicine meets virtual reality, San Francisco, 1999.
39. E. Otten, W.J. van der Eerden and O. Even-Zohar, 1999. Development of a tool for dynamic evalutation of human motor behavior. 14th Symposium of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research, Waterloo, 1999.
40. E. Otten. Human Body Dynamics. Society of Experimental Biology, Canterbury, 2001.
41. E.Otten, A.Hof and H.J. v.d. Poel. Patterns of ground forces in gait initiation. Biomechanics Symposium, Maastricht, 2001
42. E. Otten and G.E.C. Slager. Decline in biteforce after sudden jaw closure. International Society of Biomechanics, Zurich, 2001.
43. Otten, E. Inverse and forward dynamics: models of multi-body systems. SEB conference 2002, Swansea.
44. Otten, E. and A. Hallemans, From measured markers to modeled degrees of freedom, SEB conference, 2003, Southampton.

Otten, E., 1983. Vision and jaw mechanism during growth of the cichlid fish Haplochromis elegans. Thesis. Leiden.


1. Otten, E. 1985. Some numerical reflections upon the simple planimetric muscle model of Huijing & Woittiez. Neth. J. Zool. 35:517-520
2. Otten, E., 1987. A review of “Intrinsic Geometry of Biological Surface Growth” by  P.H.Todd. Acta Biotheoretica 36: 40-44.
3. Otten, E & W.J. van der Eerden. A review of “Zen and the Brain”, by J.H. Austin. Newsletter of the Groningen Graduate School for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences, Nr. 31, 1998, p. 12-13.

Invited Speaker

1. Vertebrate Morphology conference 1981 in Leiden.
2. Motor Control Conference in Henniker (USA) in 1987.
3.  Motor Control Conference in Banff (Canada) in 1988.
4. Conference 3D reconstruction in Giessen (Germany) 1988.
5. SEB conference 1989 in Edinburgh biomechanics.
6. SEB conference 1989 in Edinburgh neural networks.
7. Farewellsymposium Prof. Dullemeijer in Leiden 1989.
8. Movement Control, International symposium in  Amsterdam, 1991.
9. Muscle Architecture, Chicago, 1991.
10. Farewellsymposium Prof. Carl Gans, Chicago, 1994.
11. Symposium Developmental Neurology, Groningen, 1994.
12. Symposium Neurotrauma, Eindhoven, 1995.
13. Symposium Developments  in Speedskating, Hamar, 1996.
14. SEB conference 1998 in York, neural control.
15. SEB conference 2001 in Canterbury, general biomechanics.
16. SEB conference 2002 in Swansea, general biomechanics + workshop multi-joint dynamics.
17. International symposium of the  IFKB on Balance in Amsterdam.
18.“On the move” international conference for fysiotherapy
19. SEB conference 2003 in Southampton, experimental methods in biomechanics.
20. ESB conference 2004 in 's-Hertogenbosch, movement control an biomechanics.